Navigation Lights
Going boating in the dark? Learn which navigation lights to use, when and how to interpret lights on other boats. [youtube][/youtube]
Going boating in the dark? Learn which navigation lights to use, when and how to interpret lights on other boats. [youtube][/youtube]
Going boating? Know when to give way to another boat and avoid collision! [youtube][/youtube]
Going boating? Make sure in the unfortunate event of a man overboard situation that you can be seen in the water for rescue. [youtube][/youtube]
Lifejackets are called “life” “jackets” for a reason – they save lives! Learn how to use a lifejacket reliably and comfortably, for children too by watching this video. Then, take a boating class with the United States Power Squadrons and learn from the best! [youtube][/youtube]
Who has the right of way on the water? Sailboat under sail, sailboat under power, a larger power boat, or a large ship in a narrow channel? Take our quiz, and learn the rules of the road on the water. [youtube][/youtube]